Client: Soc. Acque Albule S.p.A.
Location: Tivoli Terme, Italy
Area: 3,000 cu. m project volume
Project Year: 2014
Program: office building
Tasks: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Construction supervision
Credits: Photo © 3C+t Capolei Cavalli Architetti Associati

The building is located within the Acque Albule Thermal Park in Tivoli Terme, with external access from via Nicodemi. The project involved the demolition of an old abandoned building and the subsequent construction of an office building, currently the headquarters of the Revenue Agency – Tivoli Area Office. The building consists in about 3,000 cubic meters above ground, as well as a basement were the garages are located. The façade facing via Nicodemi is composed by a prevalence of exposed bricks and travertine slabs, with square-shaped windows consistent with the internal distribution of the rooms. The rear façade facing the Thermal Park is characterized by the presence of vertical brise-soleil elements in full-height perforated aluminum that shade the glass façade behind.