Giunio Valerio Cavalli


Born in Rome in 1962, Giunio Valerio Cavalli obtained an architecture degree at La Sapienza University in Rome in 1988 and enrolled in the Association of Architects, Landscape Planners and Conservators of Rome and its province in 1989.

Between 1988 and 1990 he held the role of assistant in the Composition II course at the Faculty of Architecture of the La Sapienza University in Rome, first alongside Prof. Manfredi Nicoletti, then Prof. Giuseppe Strappa.

Since 1988 he has been working in the studio 3C+t Capolei Cavalli Architetti Associati, acquiring considerable experience in the field of architectural and urban planning.

Over the years he has dealt with numerous urban planning and regeneration projects, residential, office and commercial real estate complexes, gaining documented experience in the management of the various phases of design and construction, as well as in the entire authorization process before the various public authorities in charge.

He has supervised several projects of urban planning and transformation, such as, for example: Urban Plan for a residential settlement in Tor Marancia (parcel for about 30,000 people), agreement for a parcelling plan for a residential settlement in Tor Carbone in Rome (parcel for 10,000 people), residential building complex in Fidene area Art. 11, General Urban Variant of the 167 Muratella Area Plan in Rome (parcel for about 4,000 people), Ostiense Marconi Urban Redevelopment Plan, Urban Plan Art. 11 Collina delle Muse via di Boccea Rome.

He usually deals with the management of the technical – administrative aspects related to the stipulation of urban planning agreements between private clients and Roma Capitale. On behalf of various clients, he has also coordinated and supervised the construction of primary and secondary urban development works (roads, parking lots, public parks, schools, etc.) as part of urban transformation and redevelopment programs.